If the characters from LOST were youtubers, a thread:
(remember to expand to see their channels' names and profile photos! and please note: the number of subscribers the characters have reflect the average number that the top channels in each niche have irl. It is not a reflection on the characters themselves!)
SHANNON RUTHERFORD - beauty, fashion and style youtuber. Her videos include shopping spree hauls, themed lookbooks, makeup and hair tutorials and monthly favorites. She has a reputation for being a bit of a mean girl, but is very popular nonetheless
MILES STRAUME - Part of the paranormal youtube community. He dramatically investigates supernatural phenomena, stays in haunted locations, attempts spirit communication and plays paranormal games. Half his subscribers believe his gifts and half just think the videos are fun.
BEN LINUS - He is so good at mind games that he occasionally lends his expertise in videos such as teaching how to manipulate, influence or read people- but he keeps the best tips for himself so they're not used against him. He only uploads a few times a year due to having +(1/2)
(BEN LINUS 2/2) + more important things to do, and is very secretive about his private life. Ben has a cult-like following of fans/subscribers that will attack if he commands them to.
CHARLOTTE LEWIS - Travel vlogger. Her job as an anthropologist takes her to fascinating locations all over the world and, when she can, she films it and edits it all when she's back home. Her videos are extremely aesthetically pleasing and share educational tidbits too.
KATE AUSTEN - Kate realized she had lived through so many surreal situations, and wanted the world to hear about them. Once her legal issues were resolved and she could speak openly she started a storytime channel on youtube, where she shares details about everything + (1/2)
(KATE AUSTEN 2/2) + that happened to her, including her crimes and the plane crash. The mix of her charisma and unique life experiences made the channel blow up very quickly! Kate is known for being very sweet and helpful toward other youtubers.
CLAIRE LITTLETON - astrology channel! She talks about the zodiac, with videos such as best/worst traits of each sign, how each sign behaves in certain situations, and monthly predictions based on the zodiac. Occasionally she drops a daily vlog or two as well.
DESMOND HUME - a fun drinking channel! He reviews different types of drinks, ranks brands and kinds of alcohol, does taste tests and plays drinking games. More often than not he ends the videos being... not entirely sober.
HUGO "HURLEY" REYES - mostly a Reaction channel for TV shows and trailers, but also has videos about "nerd culture" in general, such as best and worst lists, comics, movie reviews etc. He talks about Star Wars a lot too. Hurley is well known for keeping his warm and + (1/2)
(HUGO REYES 2/2) + positive attitude no matter what he's reacting to or talking about, and any criticism is given in a very nice way. He is never involved in any drama and is friends with all other youtubers.
SAYID JARRAH - a fighting channel where he teaches you how to fight properly and safely. He keeps his videos short and to the point, and they're very educational. His self-defense series is his most popular.
JACK SHEPHARD - His full time profession is his youtube brand. Jack is a doctor and he reacts to hospital tv shows, movie scenes and moments from pop culture, sharing his expertise on how these medical emergencies would really unfold and be treated in real life.
SUN-HWA KWON - Gardening and cooking youtuber. She shows you how to tend to a homemade garden and grow your own vegetables and herbs, and how to cook tasty dishes using these home grown ingredients. Her husband Jin appears in the videos and helps sometimes.
JULIET BURKE - She is part of booktube. Her book reviews are her most popular videos, but her reading lists and book hauls do well too. Juliet's videos are always well structured and flow very nicely; she collabs with Sawyer from time to time.
JAMES "SAWYER" FORD - He's also part of booktube, but his approach is much more irreverent. Sawyer is known for his sarcastic reviews and the occasional drunk literary commentary. Collabs with Juliet sometimes. When single, he flirts with subscribers in the comments.
CHARLIE PACE - His channel is verified since he's a famous musician. He only posted videos during the height of Drive Shaft, so they are mostly chaotic, disjointed compilations of the life of a rock star. Sometimes he'd post while not sober, leading to misspelled + (1/2)
(CHARLIE PACE 2/2) + words and lapses of judgment about what should be shown. More than once he accidentally exposed something scandalous happening backstage, only for it to end up in the tabloids the next day and cause a bit of a PR nightmare.
JOHN LOCKE - He is a survivalist through and through, and will teach you what to do in the wilderness. Hunting tips, how to track, how to throw knives, start fires, clean fish, orient yourself using the stars and much more. Sometimes he gets a little philosophical too.
MICHAEL DAWSON - Art channel. He may not have followed his dream to become a full-time artist, but now he shares his artistic talents online and teaches the viewers how to draw by showing step-by-step sketches and drawings. He does time-lapses of his paintings too.
- @suninhereyess for finding a way for me to replicate the youtube screen; the thread would literally not exist without you!
- @starkslafleur for adding Sun's cooking idea to my gardening idea, and suggesting Sawyer should also have a booktube channel and +
- @starkslafleur - and collab with Juliet!
- @jdwstenet for helping me decide exactly how secretive Ben would or wouldn't be with his channel!
- a few people mentioned Claire and astrology and we were all thinking the same thing but thank you still!
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