People celebrating the Gamestop rally-slash-hedge fund-rout as some populist class warfare need to keep in mind which class is fighting against which.

Do YOU have a million dollars you can afford to lose in a game of stock market chicken? Cause I sure don’t.
I bet any number of “small time investors” involved in this short squeeze would love the chance to replace the hedge fund managers they bankrupted.

WSB and Wall St aren’t two different species; they’re just two different scales of market manipulators.
There’s no moral difference in my mind between one hedge fund piling on shorts on a stock to buy it at a discount, and a thousand multimillionaires pumping up the same stock to sell it at a profit. None.

Everyone in this story is a parasite.
If the stock market is supposed to be an efficient way to value companies and give them access to crowdsourced capital, then everything in this story is the opposite of that.

There’s no difference in class here; only a difference in scale. ❦
These aren’t the heroes you’re looking for.
I suspect the Venn diagram of active users of r/WSB, r/TheDonald, and r/MGTOW have a non-trivial amount of overlap.
You can follow @drahardja.
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