Senate is taking up the censure of Sen. Amanda Chase, R-Chesterfield. She gave all her colleagues a packet of information. I'm not sure what all they have.

She asked the censure be taken up tomorrow so the senators can read her letter. Bunch of Republicans said, "I read it."
Sen. John Bell, Democrat who introduced this resolution to censure Chase: "I want to make it clear this is not an issue of Democrats vs. Republicans...It's an issue of what behavior our elected officials are expected to have."
Bell: "It's not a knee-jerk reaction against someone we don't agree with. It's an act of when the actions of an elected official rise to the level where the integrity and honor of our institution is at risk."
Bell: "Unfortunately, I believe that numerous comments and behaviors of a senior senator from Chesterfield are unbecoming of a senator. And for the good of the body, and to protect the long-standing honors and traditions of this institution, I believe" Chase must be censured.
Senate Minority Leader Tommy Norment, R-James City, stands to speak in support of censure.

Norment said Chase approached the GOP Senate caucus a few days ago asking to rejoin the caucus she quit from.
Norment said he was surprised then to see a tweet from her a day later saying she was going to form the Patriot Party. "Hypocrisy," he said.

Chase has been blasting Norment on Twitter the past 24 hours.
"I feel the personal integrity has been blatantly violated on the floor of the Senate," Norment said.

Chase said on the floor last week she didn't file a censure against Sen. Louise Lucas, D-Portsmouth. But Norment is saying now on the floor she did in fact file that censure.
Norment: "I prayerfully wish that she would use that energy and that time on dealing with her own emotional and mental well being, and it would not just benefit her but the 38 of us."
Sen. Mark Obenshain, R-Rockingham, one of Chase's most vocal critics says Chase has an "open and directional hostility to those of us in this room..."

"She has long ago exhausted any remaining reservoir of trust and credibility."
"I am deeply concerned about generally and consistently narcissistic behavior that we've seen over the course of the past two years."

Still, Obenshain said he won't vote for or against the resolution.
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