🗒️ A thread about "Token Lists" https://tokenlists.org/  and why we don't fully harness the potential of this amazing initiative launched by @UniswapProtocol and the fellows cited below.

2/10 "Token List" is a community-led standard for creating lists of ERC20 tokens & sharing them in a common JSON schema.

It aims to stop gatekeeping the "listing" process of Dapps interacting w/ tokens, while still allowing for decentralized token data curation & categorization.
3/10 Currently, it is almost only used by @UniswapProtocol to allow users to freely select lists of tokens they want to be able to be displayed in the UI for trading purposes while being sure that the token contract addresses used are the right ones.
4/10 But, let's stop for a moment and imagine the possibilities. They are endless.

What about having the list of token contract addresses embedded in our #Ethereum dev frameworks? https://twitter.com/adrianmcli/status/1354377014497710081
5/10 What if wallets such as @metamask_io, @argentHQ , @TrustWalletApp integrated those token lists to stop having to process token addition requests manually and stop people from making mistakes while copying the custom token contract address?
6/10 What about DeFi Front end aggregators such as @zapper_fi , @zerion_io , @DeBankDeFi , @StakedaoHQ ? They could read from these lists to identify your weird token holdings. Same for @rotkiapp !
7/10 We also could extend that to lists of NFT collectibles: https://twitter.com/PhABCD/status/1354188831382249475
8/10 Or even start building lists of scammy tokens: https://twitter.com/haydenzadams/status/1354185486588387335
9/10 Self-promotion alert:

One of those "Token Lists" is completely community-led, open, decentralized and curated by the community (=not a single centralized team:

It is the @klerosT2CR ( https://tokens.kleros.io/tokens ) from @Kleros_io.

Anyone can add their token there!
10/10 What is your role in this?

- Shill the integration of token lists in your favorite products, it's good for them and for you as a user!

- Come up with new potential integrations and tweet about them, we want to make some noise.

Over to you.
You can follow @JimmyRagosa.
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