Racial equity has taken center stage in this country. Some will applaud (I’m firmly in that camp). Some will denounce and say this is anti white or unearned perks for black/brown folks or some kind of freeloading liberal agenda. I think They’re wrong.
For a long time the same people who taut America as the land of plenty and home of the free have simultaneously argued that equity pursuits for ALL snatch opportunities/goodies/stature/comfort from an ill defined category of people who are allegedly maligned.
The pursuit of equity is not a Robin Hood style snatch grab from the fortunate few to distribute to those who need a leg up. It is a posture where eveyone get a chance to step in and step up and compete
Though I am not maligning Robin Hood. Have always had a soft soot spot for the folkloric archer with his green felt Bycocket hat
The thing is ...this much needed long overdue conversation about equity will be a test for Americans and some times it will come down to some cut to the marrow core questions like ... Do I want “those people” to have what I have ?
....questions like....if “those people” have a chance to have what I have — those portals and perches and positions that some feel has been theirs by right instead of merit — how can know that my stature is safe? How can I know it is guaranteed?
And it will be a test for those leading us down this path toward the pursuit of equity because the road will be bumpy snd the howls will be loud and staying the course will require patience, will and steel.
Long view. Long hall.
Worth the effort
It’s what I call “worth ethic”
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