I love how many are saying they’re not masking political concerns, well actually yes, yes they are. I think I’m in a unique position to say that, being in both groups at some time or degree. https://twitter.com/roderickgraham/status/1354464276271017991
The problem is that there’s no clear understanding of how this is expected to influence policy, social or otherwise. It’s meta-politics that really is disjointed in many ways. It’s a critical philosophy that really doesn’t do much more than critique and promote the status quo.
It’s not so much “how do we progress” and more “what should we leave alone”, the problem is this unfortunately becomes “leave most things alone”, particularly social institutions, where a good chunk of the problems originate.
It reminds me of YEC’s logic, poke holes/mention exemptions in the prevailing theory while never really conceptualizing a substitute of any merit.
Also to the individual that said being anti-woke is saying Abraham Lincoln wasn’t a White Supremacist: that’s a big chunk of our problem, y’all are upset about things you don’t know or understand. For example: Lincoln was very much a White Supremacist by his own admission.
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