attending this now will tweet interesting stuff :)
novel pharmacologcal strategies include CB receptor allosteric modulators and regulator proteins...
the use of peripherally restricted CB1 antagonists involves a humoral link between peripheral CB1 receptors and the appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin
MAGL inhibitors are effective in chemotherapy-induced neuropathy
chronic #
THC treatment reduces weight gain in a model of obesity #NYASecs21
the CB2 agonist lenabasum is anti-inflammatory in a human translational model, mainly through reductions in PGE2
#FAAH inhibitors were effective without producing tolerance, and synergies with opioids, in #chemotherapy induced #pain #NYASecs21
#cbd is anti-tumour also in many cancer cell lines but melanoma was most sensitive (in vitro) #NYASecs21
#CB2 agonists are anti-tumoural in cell and animal models of breast cancer
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