I love capitalism and hate communists, but then I watch a single episode of “Bling Empire” and I can understand why some people feel the way they feel haha.

Just gotta make sure the cure isn’t worse than the disease.

Revolutions rarely go well for the revolutionaries
The American revolution had many many unique features to it, and a lot of luck. Took decades of formenting.

I think the main thing to learn is that CCP political warfare machine has already been at it for 20 years.

Most don’t even think we are at war. We are at war.
Growing up overseas in international schools, those were the types of people I grew up with and I hated it.

Much prefer the company of real people with real goals, struggles and triumphs. They have far superior character, personality.
The inequities and inefficiencies of a capitalist system are greatly magnified under a communist system.

I get the populist rage that kicks off a commie revolution, but the result is always purges, gulags, and radically inferior economic system. Taxes vs. Centralized bureaucracy
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