The problem with doing widespread moratoria on drilling and other oil activities without a more comprehensive plan is that people’s jobs actually do depend on it and the fact that the Dems have just written off the Gulf South couldn’t be clearer
There’s a real solution here and it’s already got a name, real snappy, too
The Green New Deal is, like the New Deal from which it takes its name, a JOBS PROGRAM at heart and any single moment spent on policy that doesn’t address people’s IMMEDIATE material needs is just going to widen the gap.
The headline can’t be “we’re shutting down drilling because of the environment,” sorry you’ve never met a single people but it is always going to be the case that immediate needs come first.
Immediate needs come first. We steal the bread because the children are hungry now, we will worry about the 19 years in prison later.
“We’re pouring a fuckton of money into developing thousands of new green jobs on the Gulf Coast and also thousands more in doing environmental clean-up” literally that’s all you have to do, imagine not doing it.
“By all means, oil companies, use this new set of short-term regulations as an excuse to lay off thousands of employees” is how it’s playing out, is the point. And Joe’s out here thinking he’s getting a win with environmentalists, which... okay, not even really, and at what cost?
I know it’s really hard to understand how folks can get flattened by natural disaster after natural disaster and still vote for the guys who are pro-natural-disaster-causer. But I am begging you once again to take a single second and think about why that might be.
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