1) Tragic I think that in some literary circles 'method' became a dirty word for some kind of hegemonic imposition and unnecessarily aligned with colonialist or reactionary politics, a result of which is a cruel paradox:
2) Literature scholars wanting more recognition / respect / funding / acknowledgment of expertise / etc. while absolutely insisting upon the conditions that make all of these fundamentally impossible:
3) The unwillingness to give literally anyone else outside the field a sound reason for why their readings of and opinions about literature are not just as good as what field experts produce, given that field experts reject method outright. ...
4) Giving a reason on terms accessible and valuable to others is the *beginning* of expertise. From which all political and economic jostling, rhetorical exercises, organizing, activism, etc. emerge to make real change (or not). ...
5) This would be the most modest step, really (modest in its obvious necessity and modest in it requirement to step outside of a defensive posture). And yet it's anathema to some. /end
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