My message to all Democrats:

Never be scared, never whine, don’t complain, but instead become STRATEGIC.

During this next time period, lots of Republicans you know are going to have to decide between democracy & Trumpist authoritarianism. The choice is stark.

Talk to them.
At the same time, ORGANIZE. I’m working on Seniors Councils in all battleground states.


We will defy conventional wisdom by GAINING seats in this administration’s first midterms. Because demographics are moving in our direction & we’ll ORGANIZE!
So let’s organize & talk & listen to each other, and even talk & listen to those who have been on the other side but are now vulnerable to reason in the light of the insurrection.
This is a unique moment. They are fracturing. Help them do it. Sure, most R’s are Trumpists, but when that’s reported it should always be said that the number of R’s is SHRINKING.

The future is bright if we do the work!!!
You can follow @JonBowzerBauman.
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