Figure I'll expand on this given some responses and my views on Ronald AraĂșjo as a player, his season so far, and difficulties in predicting potential of young CBs.
1. The conditional structure (fitness) is one of many structures of the human Sportsperson (HSP, Seirul.lo). The conditional structure doesn't have more importance than others (mental, cognitive, emotive wilful, socio-afective etc).
This is case for winger, a full-back, or any traditional demarcation. I don't value physicality more in a CB, believe they have to be 1.80m anymore than any other position.
2. Don't believe can hide AraĂșjo In Possession limitations with CB that breaks lines as partner (ie E. Garcia). Pressing schemes too elaborate; top level these weaknesses force you to be too committal, limit variation in build-up.

Not possible in a football defined by pressing.
Him being at Barça gives him that responsibility too. Our entire way of playing, organization centered around ball. Perhaps at other teams could get away with not playing certain types of passes, not here.

Big example of him not break lines was on small pitch vs CornellĂ  in Copa
3. Also we have to remember that AraĂșjo was signed to help Barça B + has only spent 3 seasons of career at Barça. Majority of his learning been in a profoundly different football in Uruguay.

Pimi was addressing weaknesses in his game within our model, not exploding strengths.
So it is not something you learn when making jump to pro game. It is more about bravery, and having years and years of experience playing that way. As I said originally, it is something he can improve on, a clear area to make progress, but it'll never be his essence as a player.
4. As for Puyol, a club legend + one of my favorites. But I have no doubts that expectations of CBs are different now as collectively build-up+pressing are more worked on in training, more coordinated, varied. Pep changed the game.

Since then football has changed, so has fandom.
5. Of course, those are just impressions right now, how I see his fit at Barça. Young CBs can be difficult to evaluate, and those that showed promise can really fall off (i.e. Vallejo).

Or can fail to realize full potential the opposite direction too (i.e. Bartra).
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