Ok obviously I was angry that the Govt let dehati low iq retrds to run amok but thinking with a little cooler mind here are my thoughts on what transpired:

- I agree the Govt couldn’t have issued firing orders as that might’ve made these retrds into martyrs.

That being said..
What the Govt could have done is NOT let things come to this.

- Not allowing these guys to first leave Punjab and letting them camp in Singhu/Tikri in first place

- Not dignified them as legitimate stakeholders by holding 12 rounds take with them (few rounds&then leaving it)
- NaMo addressing the nation to sway public opinion. It was a given had he attempted

- Freezing foreign remittances into Punjab especially to know trouble makers

- Unleashing ED on few fat cat arhityas funding the protests

- Not cede space to SC even tactically to stay laws
- Slap sedition cases the moment Khalistani propaganda started/ cancel OCIs of those from foreign visiting protestors.

- Regarding republic day itself, it was very clear to all what these lumpen elements wanted to do, it was obvious they will use tractors...
..so employing spike strips on the roads, putting bollards or containers on the roads blocking them and give full freedom to unleash lathi/teargas m/water cannons on those trying to break through.

Govt did NONE of this.Literally not a single one. To those who are still defending
..the Govt conduct on this whole episode,this is what causes the anger, not so much the lack of firing post 11 AM yesterday. Govt failed in containing or responding to the protests all along the way. So your strawman of “they wanted bodies to fall &Govt was clever” doesn’t hold.
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