For those who don't know what's happening with Game Stop and AMC stocks which many may not even know or care about... but hedge funds & investment firms "shorted" these stocks. (Bet big money that the stock price would go down because "they thought they were dying businesses").
The opposite of shorting a stock is going "long" which most people do, which means buying a stock and holding it till its price goes up in value. Small investors like yourself or what not banded together and said "screw those hedge funds trying to bet on the demise of Game Stop
and AMC, YOLO, we're going to save those businesses" and bought those stocks and now the price of these stocks are skyrocketing because the demand is high. When you a short a stock, the investor (these billion dollar hedge funds / investment forms) who shorted the stock can lose
UNLIMITED amounts of money because if the price keeps going up, they keep losing money. For example, say you short 1 quantity of stock that's currently at $10, if it goes down $4, you'd be making $4. However, say the stock goes up to $100, you'd be losing $90. .
If you went long on the $10 stock, the most you'd lose is $10. If you went short on the $10 and the price kept going up, your losses are limitless. This is what's happening to billion dollar hedge funds and investment firms who have screwed ordinary people.
They are being forced to cover the shorts (squeezed), getting out of their short positions before they lose ALL THEIR MONEY & go bankrupt. If the people united just like they did to take down these Wall Street firms, think what could happen if people did it for every other issue.
Wow, thank you all for retweeting this & liking my stock thread. I do have a SoundCloud but I'd rather you join our campaign team & donate $5 to our campaign for City Controller so we can keep educating & stick it to the billionaires buying our elections! 
Wow this is awesome! We raised $100 since posting this! Got some $5 donations, $10, donations, and 2 $25 donations!

Thank you thank you!
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