What do we know about Supergirl S6?

Well, we know the following.

First BHS came from David & he had Chyler and Jesse with him.
Chyler was dressed in a jacket & pants
#Supergirl #MelissaBenoist #ChylerLeigh #AzieTesfai #NicoleMaines #JesseRath #DavidHarewood
and the Martian weapon on her wrist in a second photo David posted.
The main thing that stood out was the background. It suggests they’re at The Tower, & possibly with a medical monitor (I highlight it in red) in the background. If not medical, I’d say environmental or maybe
monitoring space? Either way, it is an intriguing bit of background imo.

Otherwise, bar one lot of BHS from Staz, have only shown everyone is their Superhero suits (inc Alex). Kelly has been in the leather jacket she wore with the Guardian Shield for the Myx (100th) episode,
with M’gann suited up alongside her. Kelly has also been spotted in pants & a jacket - a far cry from the tight skirts & dresses from S5, & much closer to S4. We know Kelly has been on set a lot when everyone else is, plus filming at times with Chyler - so dare we hope that Kelly
is actually going to be included properly this season? And that she is much more proactive, including using the Shield, like she did in Crisis & the 100th. We can certainly hope that is the case. After all, it is what pretty much all Kelly Olsen fans (myself included) have asked
for since the end of S4, let alone as we watched the shitstorm aka S5 play out.
We know from Jesse there is going to be a bit of a Legion vibe going on, and that certainly tracks with the BHS photos. We know that 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05 & 6.06 were all wrapped before the
Christmas hiatus. We also know that Chyler directed Ep 6, (which she mentioned herself when talking about it in one of her Create Change lives early on).
We know in 6.06, it involves not only the young Danvers sisters, but we definitely have Nia and Brainy playing a pretty
significant role. Not only did we get them posting on an outside location set, we also know from someone who went down to where they were filming on the sports field & Nicole & Jesse were both seen on set (screen cap included in amongst the rest of them above).
We also know from a known member BTS on the SG set on Reddit posted in reply to a couple of questions that cleared up Katie’s involvement & Melissa being away from set. So we can say Melissa will be filming in scenes to add into what has already been done by the rest of the cast.
We can also say Katie has been filming. So please everyone just take a breath.

Now onto sets in general.
We have had glimpses that tease Space craft, weaponry. We have a possibly tie in to the casting video side that came up on Vimo in regards a Prison set vibe, with the
concrete corridors, but with grating shadow from lighting above (see Nicole’s tiktok), & separately, Jen Clarke (Melissa’s stunt double) standing alongside a circular plinth of some kind, with grating around it.
Then we have the futuristic look that David was standing in for
his directorial episode after the hiatus.
We had a possible slate on Vimeo that suggested a witch villain? So, I’m hoping that - we have this season set up much more like S1 & S2, with tight sets, outer space/magic/more than one Villain, or like Reign, a central villain, but not
necessarily through the entire season.

As for Rosemary (the slate on Vimeo) I can’t help but wonder if this is going to be a version of Amparon Cardenas, aka La Dama, especially as in the DC universe she is from Earth Prime and has known magic powers. Another aspect of the
canon DC character is that she kills off half the future Justice League, but this is where I think it could tie in with Chyler’s directors episode 6.06 - she brainwashes a group of teenagers, who in another reality would have become the legion of Superhero’s. She effectively
makes them her slaves. Is that why Nia and Brainy have to travel back to Midvale? Are the young Danvers sisters brainwashed? Do they need to go around fixing the past to save the future?
Well, that would certainly not be something Chyler has ever done before, & would probably
I imagine be a pretty hard 1st ep to direct, so again tracks with what she has said.
If Rosemary blames Kara etc for Earth Prime changing, & so she changes with it (eg loss of powers) it would certainly give good grounds for a story of revenge.

Honestly, as long as we have
Kelly, Alex, Nia, Kara, & Lena all actually playing their roles properly, & not just performative like S5 was, and Dansen, Brainia and yes, Supercorp to actually happen - it will be a step up. Not that it would be hard to step up when you’ve hit flat rock bottom, scrapping of the
barrel the previous season.

I’m going to have forgotten something, I always do, so if anyone has additional thoughts on this, please do comment.
Also forgive any typos etc as I’ve not checked it all.
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