I am so *SICK* & *ANGRY* at people who think mental illness isn't real. That it's "something made up by doctors to make $". That "if they just force themselves out of it they'd be fine". That "people didn't put up with this shit in my day". These are all things just said to me.
Not only did they say this to me-w/depression-but in front of my 15 yr old w/depression & anxiety, the one this person came at me about. Saying, "If she has "depression" why doesn't she clean her room. It would make her feel better." Um, no. That's not how depression works."
These outdated systems perpetuate the stigma those w/mental illness have battled for years. And yeah, they didn't put up with this back in the day. They threw human beings into mental institutions to endure all kinds of abuse, where they were tortured, mutilated & forgotten.
And here we are, years later, still fighting ignorance like this. They said I was delusional & laughed at me bc I was 'so naïve' about the real world. Laughed at me when I told them to educate themselves bc they didn't know what they were talking about. Like look, I live with it.
My mum died of suicide. It runs in my family. I have children w/mental illness. I've researched & lived & breathed this life for many years. But when we say this, when we educate, we could spout all the facts in the world but it wouldn't matter to people who won't accept science.
I'm so frustrated. So tired. So DONE. So angry that there's nothing I could say to be seen as a human being to some. To know that there are people walking this earth who would see those with mental illness, disabilities, autism (which me and 2 of my kids also have), "put away".
For those in the back, #mentalillness is real. It affects over 450 million people on this earth. So when some perpetuate lies like it's all an act or doesn't exist, you are negating as many people from existence. You are actively denying a better world, bc damn it, we are strong.
We are the ones who bring empathy to the table. Who bring steel in the veins of this life. Who provide safe haven to others suffering. We are your caregivers. Your friends. Your sisters and brothers. Mothers and sons. Fathers and daughters and grandparents. We exist. We matter.
#MentalHealthMatters bc it touches everyone. Educate yourself. If someone says they have depression, anxiety, OCD, Panic disorder, PTSD, or any number of things, believe them. Don't tell them they'd feel better if they cleaned their room bc it helps you who has no depression.
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