The GameStop $GME saga is both super funny to watch and profound in a number of ways. A culmination of how social networks marries finance, the dawn of a new era that could only be strengthened by Web3&defi- A thread of analysis and implications, and shill of our own Mask Network
A household but dwindling name, $gme was favored by r/wsb as a top turnaround pick & has resurrected from ashes in stock price terms. WSB manages to short squeeze & likely bankrupt Melvin cap, a Steve Cohen protégé run $13bn hedge fund, even w/ $2.75b from point72 & Citadel. 2/n
Further details can be found everywhere so I'm not going to repeat here. But a lot of things are worth noting. Who are they? Why are they doing this? What do they have to do with web3 & Defi? 3/n
r/wsb users name themselves as retards or autists or degens, so they are more like a bunch of cousins to the crypto degens. The only difference is that they haven't been introduced to the crypto/Defi world or as we call it, the future of finance. 4/n
The common ground lies in the disdain of the current financial system - the rich almost only get richer and tards generally don’t stand a chance, or in short, class rigidity. Here comes social network communities & crypto - forces that could potentially shift the paradigm. 5/n
We generally find early crypto adopters less established in traditional careers & found crypto as a shelter and a place for a fair restart. Likewise, r/wsb is a shelter for the less well-off millennials. For both groups, they want revolutions. Now we know the venue for both. 6/n
Crypto degens understand well how community alone even without working products could be immensely valuable and could be super evident in stock/token prices. The Silicon Valley VCs are gradually catching up, but Wall Street obviously still hasn’t, until now. 7/n
Maybe Ray Dalio does from his china experience - “how the power of ideals can be used to unite a large group of people towards a common goal.” 8/n
So, to be honest, r/wsb and crypto degens should totally join forces. Crypto is a better level playing field for everyone and will move society forward if a lot of crypto ideals are achieved once more people are united towards the same goal. But how? 9/n
r/wsb degens chat on Reddit and Discord, trade on Robinhood. As smooth as this can go, you still need to switch apps. Imagine that you can chat and trade altogether without leaving Twitter/Reddit, plus anti-censorship ready as well? 10/n
Here comes Mask Network, a decentralized bridge between existing web2 social networks & the Web3 world. Started out as a decentralized encrypted msg service on top of Twitter/fb, we now support a rapidly growing Dapp ecosystem from payment to trading, to storage & NFTs. 11/n
So of course, we can do messaging and trading at the same time. This is not the future of social networks, not the future of finance, this is NOW. 12/n
With the infrastructure built by @realmaskbook , you can hover your mouse onto cashtags like $mAAPL or $UNI, view price charts by @cmc and @coingecko, and trade directly via @uniswapprotocol @0xproject or @sushiswap. Stocks are supported through @mirrorprotocol. 13/n
We also have an Initial Twitter Offering (ITO) to replace the existing IPO&ICOs. We've already conducted the 1st ITO with @loopringorg $LRC and are about to launch a second one with $sushi @SushiSwap. Our $mask token will be offered through ITO when the time is ripe. 14/n
All projects are welcomed to Offer your own token with our permissionless ITO product. Individuals with social tokens could be offered here too. 15/n
Moreover, with the help of the community, we are going to see numerous DEFI/Web3 projects all onboard Mask Network where they can be displayed and used frictionlessly within the existing social networks. 16/n
Why are we named Mask? We put a mask on top of existing social networks, do things unfathomable before on Twitter/FB, and build from there.

Mask is the way, Wen $GME @mirror_protocol ~n/n
You can follow @realmaskbook.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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