Many in the Church use words like unity & reconciliation because they are conflict-avoidant, not because they desire it's true nature. We know that true reconciliation is characterized by truth-telling, shalom-making (restoration & wholeness), & barrier-breaking love. #Thread
The Scriptures are clear that true peace & unity is not simply the absence of conflict but the presence of restored relationships in a community characterized by truth, with people working for each other's benefit and good. #Thread
Paul adds something interesting to the idea of unity in the Church in Ephesians 4...
"So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, & teachers, to equip his people for the works of service SO THAT the body of Christ MAY BE BUILT UP until we all reach UNITY in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God & become mature..."
For Paul, it appears that unity is only attained when the body is being built up towards maturity. Unity is not accomplished in allowing spiritual immaturity in the body to persist so as to not "ruffle some feathers" and cause conflict. #Thread
Unity is accomplished when we engage in the hard work of spiritual formation as a community. We cannot unify unless we are all in pursuit of knowing Christ and considering all else loss. #Thread
So the question the first question of unity is how can we lovingly and graciously build each other up toward maturity in Christ? Then and only then will we experience the fullness of unity in our bodies.

They who have ears to hear, let them hear. #Thread
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