High libido ace specs are so heccin valid! We are defined by our limited or lack of sexual attraction to other humans, not our libido. High and low libido people of all sexualities exist. 🤙
Sexual attraction: a sexual desire towards another person +\\- initiated by interacting w that person.
While mileage varies, libido is sexual interest that may not be tied to a specific person. Ie: person doesnt cause the arousal. It can be a kink, an idea, a situation, a feeling
Another way to think of the difference between sexual attraction and libido: Think of the difference between “wow I just need to release some tension today” or “wow I like the idea but not w a particular person” and “wow I want to do x thing with y person, they are so arousing.”
Another misconception: not all low libido aces are sex averse. Some are, some aren’t & both are valid. Aversion to sex is different than libido. Some high libido aces are sex averse, sex neutral, sex favorable.
Sexual attraction, libido, & attitude towards sex are 3 diff things.
So we those have 3 diff things: sexual attraction (defined by sexuality), libido (varies), & attitude towards sex (varies; sexual activity w another person, in person).

Ace/bi/pan/homo/hetero-sexual are defined by sexual attraction only. The rest varies by individual!!
So then we get into “what if my sexual attraction does not match my romantic attraction.” Thats when we get into the romantic spectrum. For many people their sexual attraction matches their romantic attraction. Totally valid! For others it doesn’t match. Totally valid too.
So sexual attraction, libido, attitude towards sex, romantic attraction can vary between person to person. And we haven’t even gotten to gender identity & expression. Are humans confusing af? Sure are! And heteronormativity does not help unmuddy those waters. Humans be complex.
Are our systems of categorization perfect? Nope! And that’s why they change sometimes with time. For example: Aces used to fall into the bi umbrella until we learned more about asexuality/ talked about it! Tools are not perfect but they are just tools. They are still helpful af.
And bc all of these labels (ie tools) reflect an imperfect understanding of human sexuality, they are imperfect too. Definitions may change, terms may change. And that’s awesome! Some people use tools more, others use them less. You can use tools appropriately vs misuse them.
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