We are knee-deep in misguided life advice here on Twitter.

This thread is your truth pill.

++ THREAD ++
Follow Your Passion.

That’s terrible advice.

Your passion won’t pay your bills, your strengths will.

Pursue a career that aligns with your strengths.

Maximize your earning potential.
You Gotta Hustle 24/7.

This awful advice traps people into a life of burnout.

Your rest and relaxation time is required to hustle.

It's healthy.

Without rest, there's no hustle.
I Read 5,000 Books a Year.

Reading is overrated.

Doing is underrated.

The marketplace does not care how many books you've read.

It cares about what you can do.

Stop stacking knowledge and gain experience.
Netflix Saps Productivity.

Watching Netflix isn't the issue.

It's a lack of motivation.

An unmotivated person who cancels Netflix will replace it with another distraction.

You aren’t a lazy bastard if you watch Netflix. Keep it in moderation.
You Cannot Get Rich Working a 9-to-5.

I'm proof-positive that's a lie.

Fact: Most people aren't cut out for entrepreneurship.

With proper money management skills, your 9-to-5 CAN MAKE YOU RICH.

It happens all the time.
College is Useless.

College graduates earn more than non-grads.

Them's the facts.

Exceptions apply, but never count on being an exception.

Degrees help a LOT of people, period.

Never allow people to talk you out of a smart career foundation.
Just Make More Money.

Forget proper money management. Basic personal finance.

If you want something, just earn more. Hustle. Cold call.

Don't stop, just keep going.

It's the never-ending pursuit of liabilities.
Money is Made Online.

Fact: Most of us won't get rich by sitting on our asses all day in front of a computer.

Try as you might, but it won't happen.

Most money is made in-person. Face to face.

Don't be fooled by charlatans claiming they just scored a $5k/month client.
Nothing Worthwhile is Easy.


- Love is easy
- Doing right is easy
- Being decent is easy
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