Biden’s memorandum on anti-Asian racism is a significant contrast from former president, Donald Trump, who even when asked to adjust his rhetoric seemed to double down on calling the virus ‘China virus,’ ‘Kung Flu,’ and ‘Chinese virus.’
The presidential memorandum against anti-Asian racism was one of our hopes in writing the @aachristcollab “Statement on Anti-Asian Racism in the time of Covid-19” which garnered over 10,000 signatures from Christian leaders in the U.S. … 
We are also grateful for the ways other Asian American orgs have raised their voices, including AACC board member, Russell Jeung, who was the chief architect in both collecting and reporting data around anti-Asian racism as the pandemic rose with AAPI Hate.
Though it’s no longer on many people’s minds, anti-Asian racism is still very real today. This is just a first step and we are hopeful for the future, but there is still much work to be done.
Let’s continue to ask: How does the Biden Harris admin intend to repair views of Asian Americans in this country? How will they address politics that have hurt us in the past and continue to hurt us in the present? What will this look like in the first 100 days in office?
You can follow @drmichellereyes.
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