How I received a temporary, mini-suspension on Twitter: a thread

Last night at around 8:20, I replied to this tweet with a joke. It was stupid (but harmless), as most of my jokes are. 1/5
At 9:44, I was reading Twitter and got an error message in Tweetbot, so I switched to the Twitter website. That’s when I saw this (the screenshot shows my aforementioned not-very-funny reply):

Because my tweet was a stupid joke, I happily went through Twitter’s process and deleted the tweet. I then found that my access had been limited for 12 hours:

Because I was about to go to bed and I had work in the morning, I decided it wasn’t worth appealing the mini-suspension. Spending time trying to explain that it was a joke wasn’t worth it. 4/5
Moral of the story: do not tweet COVID-19 jokes that might be seen as misinformation by computers that don’t understand sarcasm or irony. 5/5
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