🧵: China is not a social democracy. A social democracy implies liberal democracy, social programs funded through imperialism, no serious desire to eliminate capitalism. China does not check any of these boxes.
Though the PRC does allow other political parties, they are not above the CPC. Any attempt to undermine the authority of the Communist party or the people's democratic dictatorship is firmly and resoundingly defeated.
China, though allowing elements of capitalism, does not allow capitalists to organize as a class to suppress working class interests. Capitalists are routinely jailed or executed for breaking the rules and the CPC has embedded themselves into the leadership of the private sector.
China has many initiatives to increase the lives of the people, but they are not funded by imperialism.

China promotes win win development and exchange with other nations and this is why the GS prefers to trade with China over the West .
Is China's foreign policy perfect? No.

China exists in a world that is still mostly capitalist and so it is unrealistic to expect its foreign relations to be perfect or ideal 100% of the time, but that doesn't make it imperialist.

See the video by @paulmorrinIE
The ideology of the CPC is Marxism Leninism and that is not up for discussion. Any attempt to deviate from this ideology or the path of socialism will result in being removed from the party.
They acknowledge that they haven't built a developed socialist system yet, but they are transparent about their plans to do so and they have consistently met their targets. By all measures they are on track to building socialism.
Lastly, we've seen what happens when a socialist country tries to reverse course and become a social democracy. The USSR did just this and the result was the dissolution of the USSR.

China shows no signs of that period, but actually that it is heading in the opposite direction.
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