This is why handing a blank check of "tell us what to do" over to scientists is stupid. They are *supposed* to know a lot about viruses, but that doesn't mean they know what public response should be.
They will always err on the side of preventing infections at all costs because that's how they think, it's how they're trained to think, and they don't know or are unhealthily apathetic about invisible/unintended downsides.
It's like asking a bunch of moms whose kids died in highway accidents to set the new national speed limit--shocking, we're now all going 40 max on the interstates.
A better analogy is the FDA--they are highly incentivized to err on the side of blocking good drugs rather than letting bad drugs accidentally through. They're incapable of doing the calculus rationally.
I think wearing masks is a perfectly good, rational, acceptable response to this pandemic, even while recognizing that masks seem much less effective vs corona than say the flu. Forced lockdowns/mandates/the like are over the line.
Telling people to wear multiple masks is so far over the line that I can't even see it in the rear view mirror anymore.
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