We need to seriously re-evaluate the way we think about handling trolls (the harassment/threat kind, not the fun hair/party kind.) I just shared a video of a streamer shutting one down. Her responses are filled with people saying that the troll got what they wanted.
First, we all need to accept that there is NOTHING WRONG WITH DISPLAYING EMOTIONS. Getting angry isn’t a sign of weakness. That’s just stupid.
Second, maybe if we stop saying that the troll won, they’ll stop seeing it as a victory? When you walk away from seeing a well reasoned and well said rebuttal to blatant and inane harassment and proclaim the harasser to be the winner, you are the one perpetuating the problem.
Finally, there aren’t two parties at play here. There are three: The streamer, the troll and EVERYONE ELSE. If you see behavior like this, don’t just chalk it up to part of the experience. Don’t just let it slide. SAY SOMETHING. It shouldn’t fall solely on the performer.
Also, this kind of trolling happens to women. Saying that responding is losing means you expect women to just sit there and take harassment as part of the job. If you think that, you are part of the problem.
You can follow @travismcelroy.
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