I'm as frustrated by ignorance as the next guy, but I'm not sure how to save every Joe Schmo taking their cues from a gardening blog on Southern Living's website.
On the other hand, I have concerns about the impact of conflating a gardening blog on Southern Living's website with "the media" and "the national media" and what impact that has on public confidence in media as a whole.
I guess what I'm really thinking is - maybe we better accomplish our goals by flooding the zone with the more accurate message...the one we want people to hear...than we do by soapboxing/amplifying the ones we don't?
After all, don't these poorly-researched stories about lack of warnings and the rarity of tornadoes in a particular time of year reveal some flaw in our own efforts to communicate and educate? I'm sure there is more we could do to get ahead of these narratives.
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