I'm glad someone like Valdano shares my sentiments regarding Odegaard. You don't walk into the Real Madrid XI or 14 simply because you are talented. In most cases, you have to be patient, fight for the place, prove to be indispensable, or have a track record worthy of the spot.
Modric's story is similar. His best role didn't exist and he didn't have continuity in his first year at the club. He worked hard and continued to show he was better than Khedira for instance. Eventually he got his place. Still took him until 2014 or so to become indispensable.
It is not by force to play for the biggest clubs in the world. Many players will make good careers playing for clubs just outside the biggest and mid clubs. But to think you'll just get big minutes at the biggest clubs because you are whoever is a lie. It won't work.
Does Ole hate Van De Beek? No. Does he think he's talented? Yes. Is there any chance he's going to give a single shit about developing Van De Beek when he has Pogba and Fernandes [+Fred] to do a job? No. Can VDB for his hand? Yes. Can he also walk away and move to Everton? Yes
Van De Beek has the potential to be one of the best attacking midfielders out there. He's showed it at Ajax. He looks ready. But he's competing with two top guys and he's not getting enough minutes. He can wait and fight because he wants to play for Man United, or go.
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