everyone who mocked him because he failed, read the article first. The level of planning and persistence to make it work shows how deep his hatred is. Singapore’s strict gun policy has worked wonders here, but judging by his plan, it definitely could have worked and killed dozens https://twitter.com/channelnewsasia/status/1354353657471352833
Stop the “still sec sch only can do what” mindset. Recognise the real issue,which is that no matter how young one is self-radicalisation can happen. He wants to drive a car without having a license,saves money to buy firearms,knives and a vest. Plans routes and entries of attack.
Shows how badly he wanted to make it work. Anyone can enter a mosque,church,temple with a kitchen knife and start slashing everybody’s throats. Even olevel chemistry has enough content to teach one how to make a bomb, what more the internet? Never underestimate what people can do
Props to the respective bodies who managed to track his intentions and prevent it before it could happen. I fully agree with the approach of rehabilitation and not putting him in jail. Will be good for him,and for society. Don’t worry,when he gets released he won’t do it again
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