This is a public address to the politicians of Newfoundland and Labrador.
I want you to know that this province is desperately in need of expanding it's fertility services, and we need the government to step up to the plate and help those of us who need it.
A thread. /1
You're not going to hear it from knocking on doors.
We're too busy working all we can to pay for our treatments.
You're not going to hear it from the people who need it most because we're being smothered in grief and the trauma of infertility. /2
You're not hearing it because we're being shamed and silenced by the stigmas of infertility.
But you're hearing it from me. Right here. Right now. And I've heard it from hundreds of couples from all over our province. And it's time to listen. /3
NL is one of two provinces in Canada that does not have an IVF clinic, however PEI offers funding to help those who need it. We do not. We are left on our own to pay for our medical care (which is ~$25k a treatment) and travel for weeks at a time to another province. /4
We are allowing hundreds of thousands of dollars to be spent in other provinces while we have doctors who are trained and unable to use their skills . It just doesn't make sense.
We have an aging population.
We have young people leaving constantly. /5
Access to fertility services or financial support to travel for such services should be a priority of our political parties.

Will this be on your party's platform?
It should be.
#InfertilityIsPolitical #NLPoli
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