Astaghfirullah I just learned something new masa whatsapp meeting dengan team #Dengar

Kemiskinan Haid.

I swear to God meremang bila aku dengar apa benda tu.

Pernah tak tertanya-tanya kenapa ramai orang susah tapi anak ramai gila?
Masa kecik, darjah 5 camtu, I pernah tanya my dad "Kenapa dorang ni tak beli kondom je? Kondom kan murah dari bela anak?"

I didnt get the answer until TODAY.

Jawapannya because dorang tak mampu nak beli pad.

So dorang choose untuk hamil many times.
I just got off a Zoom meeting with @My_Perintis for an upcoming CSR for PPRT.

And if you cant imagine how it feels to live in a flat. I used to live in a flat for 4-5 years.

Mine was 500 sqft, 3 small bedrooms. 1 toilet.

Ada kes ni satu rumah PPRT tu 12 anak. DUA đź‘Ź BELAS đź‘Ź
Thank you @hijrahprihatin banyak gila aku belajar.

Mostly pasal diri.

2 tahun buat kerja amal, Ingatkan I've seen "Susah" & dah burst my bangsar bubble.

Tak ye. Tak!

So guys, if you nak belajar more about yourself, buat lah kerja amal. Kita sheltered sebenarnya.

Dan kepada mereka yang kata

"wHaT?! bUKan kE pAd lAgI mUraH daRi jAGa aNAk? xDe CoMMoN sENse ke?

Like I said previously, buat kerja amal dik. Turun padang.

Judge orang memang senang. Cuba tengok sendiri. Then judge again.
Thank you for suggestions (Im just explaining reality tau. Bukan debate)

1. Washable pads - Kes Cik Balqis, Ampang. No mesin basuh. Bil air RM200.

My privileged ass: Aku punya RM6 je sebulan je kot. Handwash je kot.

Team mate: Handwash pakai flowing water.

*News to me too*
2. "Lepas beranak ada darah nifas. Nanti pakai pad jugak".

Normal pregnancy 9 bulan no need pad.

Nifas standard 40 hari. Istihadah more than 60 hari.

Bantuan free pads from hospitals and NGOs.
3. Anak lagi mahal than pads.

3 basic needs perlu ada: Pakaian, Tempat Tinggal, Makanan.

Even the basic needs pun they need to prioritize. 1. Food 2. Place 3. Pakaian.

Pads is a luxury.
Okay ni macam bagi alasan non-stop. But "alasan" is something manageable. "Reality" is their way of life.

3. We need to educate them

Anak tak sekolah. Tak mampu PIBG fees. Uniforms. Phones. No TV. Only way to educate is turun padang. So TV Pendidikan doesnt address the B40.
Ni I rasa, I rasa tau. Rasa~

We perhaps assumed kalau miskin bandar in Malaysia ni apa je lah sangat susah dia. Sebab dia dok bandar & ada rumah.

Truth is. The socioeconomy gap in Malaysia is HUGE.

Huge sampai apa yg kita rasa common sense, it's not common knowledge to them.
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