Holyrood Elections 2021 – SNP Record on Devolved Areas
- The new sick kids hospital has had many issues including the ventilation and has been pushed back numerous times. Imagine if it had been opened on time and we had been able to treat more covid patienst there reducing strain on our NHS?
- The drug related detahs in Scotland are the highest simce records began. After the SNP govt. cut drug rehabilitation services after being told in doing so would have such consequences. They set up a task force which didn’t meet for the first time until months after being set up
- The SNP keep saying that they need Drug Powers devolved to treat this as a health problem, not criminal. If it’s a health problem use the powers of health? Just a thought. However. As soon as they came into power numbers have increased. Funny that eh?
We don’t need more powers we just need to use the powers we have properly and fund rehab services properly to tackle this.
- The treatment time guarantee was enshrined in law at 100% of patients would recive treatment within 12 weeks. In 2019 it was only at 72%
- Cancer patients target shave not been met including cancer patient referral targets.
- We are also heading into a mental health crisis when support is currently not there
- A&E Targets have not been met since 2018
- The coronavirus pandemic saw the worst care home deaths in Scotland after it emerged that the scotgov had told staff that once they had been tested they could go back into a care home (without a test result). There was an outbreak in february which we didn’t know about
until late march / April and the R number in February was around 7. Aberdeen had a couple of cases and saw a full lockdown. Glasgow at one point had more than 1000 cases per 100k which was a worse rate than Aberdeen, yet galsgow wasn’t put into lockdown putting the whole country
at risk. The vaccination programme was also lagging and letters are not being sent because the scotgov never got blue envelopes.

- The CfE is flawed
- The snp pledged to replace the student loans system with a means tested grant
- The attainment gap is widening
- They also pledged to remove the burden of debt repayments
- Teachers numbers down by 1000s
- The attainment gap is widening
- They have failed to improve education in deprived areas, this was seen at the 2019 exam results where pupils got downgraded because of their postcode
- Students from down south are more likely to go to university than students in Scotland
- Standards in maths, English and science are either stagnated or declining
- Failed to reduce class sizes
- 12/13 year olds cant count up in 2s (know from personal experience)
- Businesses have been decimated because of the lack of support form the ScotGovt. this isn't because of WM as we've had unprecedented levels of support. The SNP have just not released it
- They have try to block FOI requests from people trying to find where the
funding is
- Want to take us down a constitutional debate when we are facing the worst recession in 300 years
- The economy was struggling as it was pre-covid and this has made things harder, for everyone
- But Independence will get priority
- Gap between scot employment and
UK employment 2% in first time in 2 decades

- The life expectancy in Scotland has decreased
- Mortality rates between the least deprived and most deprived are highest since 2008 (SNP came into power 2007)
- Failed to end Fuel Poverty
- Failed to tackle inequality
- Cut council budgets by 7% between 2013/14 and 2019/20
(in same time budget from Uk was only cut by 2%)
- Govanhill highly impoverished
- Alyn Smith "equalities are close to my heart, but not as close as independence"

- Pot hole-ridden roads
- Failed Ferry contracts
- Failed ventilation in hospitals
- Leaky police stations

- Hate Crime bill has potential to stifle freedom of speech. It has been criticised by religious institutions, the police, politicians from ALL parties, Actors, Comedians, Musicians.
In whole it's clear the SNP are not stronger for Scotland. Although these are just some things that are problematic the list can go on. This has been going on for far too long (14 years) and it's time we've had enough. The country is struggling with this pandemic
and the only thing that matters is independence. The nationalist will foam at the mouth at this and say its all false but you can't change the facts. No amount of popularity from the leader will alter that.
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