Major challenge #Irelandunsc -Russia threat to veto cross-border aid access in July& 'the absence of cross-line mechanisms to northern Syria could potentially leave over 4.5 million civilians without assistance-a humanitarian catastrophe of unprecedented proportions'Thread
'the U.S. and Europe provide roughly 90% of U.N. assistance to Syria, and yet Russia, which accounts for only 1%, is exerting control over the strings. Meanwhile, U.N. aid channels coordinated in Damascus have been deeply corrupted and tied intrinsically to networks of regime-/2
-linked distributors, security companies, and associated “charities.” Consequently, while we may be providing the vast majority of aid, our generosity is being manipulated in pursuit of the regime’s domestic interests. /3
To sustain access in Syria’s capital, even the World Health Organization’s (WHO) COVID-19 response has continued to parrot regime data and statements, effectively contributing toward a cover-up of the disease’s deadly spread/4
Two weeks ago, the WHO even publicized its use of Syrian airline Cham Wings for operations to Libya, despite it being sanctioned for its role in transporting pro-regime militiamen from Iran to Syria and its recent use for ferrying Russia-backed militiamen from Syria to Libya./5
a determined effort is required to deter or neutralize regime interference in aid mechanisms originating in Damascus. This is not an issue of how much aid is being provided to Syria, but to whom it is being delivered. /6
The U.N. and its associated bodies may be part of the current problem..Assuch,U.S.and allied pressure needs not just to focus on Syria and Russia,but on U.N.itself to better ensure that regime restrictions and blackmail arenot simply accededto,as appears tohave become standard'/7
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