The #FalloutTheFrontier is so disapointing. Let's start with the obvious:
- The scaly fetish
- The feet fetish
- The used condom texture in the truck

The mod is filled with unnecessary horniness and fetishes. Why? It serves 0 purpose other than to upset people. 1/?
Is that the point? To upset the 'normies' ? What are you doing? People don't like fetishes in media in general. Even Quentin Tarantino is mocked for it.

Let's not forget that you could have a sex-slave, until the developers patched it out (*). 2/?
Story-wise. The mod isn't Fallout. Cutscenes, switching perspectives, that's not Fallout. In spite of Bethesda's best efforts, Fallout was always meant to be immersive. There is nothing immersive about playing as someone else in what's treated as 'Your story'. 3/?
Story-wise, the mod just expects you to care for its own sake. Especially after the Courier gets captured by the Not-Legion, the Not-NCR throw everything and the kitchen sink to get you back. Then the mod rips off Modern Warfare (*) in a cheap attempt to make you give a shit. 4/?
It doesn't make sense in terms of story. It doesn't make sense in terms of roleplay.

My courier for example, is a neutral karma mercenary. My character would not care if they'd throw everything on the pyre to save him. If anything, he'd mock them since he's just a merc. 5/?
Another side of the mod that is really bad are the pop-cultural refrences and the obvious rip-offs of other games.

- Call of Duty
- Dead Space
- Wolfenstein: The New Order

The tonal whiplash is horrid. You go from shooting "Nazis" in space to consoling a rape victim. 6/?
Apparently, each questline had its own developer and it shows. The NCR campaign is basically Call of Duty: Fallout while, apparently, the Legion is much closer to the base game. 7/?
And this one goes out to the dev who called the Enclave Trump supporters. No. That's flat out wrong. The Enclave are political legacies. Not the lowest common denominator.

The Enclave are much closer to the Kennedys, Clintons and Rockefeller than Trump. 8/?
Making them into Nazis 2 is so diminutive The Enclave wasn't born out of racial supremacy. It was born out of elitism. The Mutant thing came about because of years of isolation and paranoia.

You may think I'm splitting hairs here but making the Enclave Nazis 2 was a bad idea 9/?
Because the Enclave was never a Nazi analogy. It was the old world government analogy. That's why they work as a universal bad guy for Fallout, because, even if you agree with them, you can say:

"Yeah but your forefathers ruled the world once already and now we're here" 10/?
Not because they're some ham-fisted cartoonish Nazis like this mod seems to imply.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have no issue with not being allowed to join the Enclave but the reasoning is shoddy. 11/?
In conclusion, the mod is bad:
- The pop-culture refrences
- The unnecessary sex and fetish content
- The ham-fisted preaching
- The constant tonal inconsistency.
- The ripped assets
- The fact you can groom your own sex slave
(I don't care you patched it out) 12/12
#Falloutthefrontier Fucking Y I K E S
Dear god it gets worse.
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