There have been two consultations on GRA reform in Scotland. Both times the majority of Scots voted FOR reform, but it was blocked by a well-funded vocal minority. They claim that the consultation was skewed by 'political activists', but this is a complete distortion 1/8
The anti-trans lobby created 'women's groups' whose sole purpose was to oppose GRA reform. They put full page adverts in Scottish newspapers (ÂŁ60,000 a time, or therabouts?) and they flooded Twitter with nonsense about 'trans conspiracies' and played on women's natural fears 2/8
They played on women's natural fears of violent men by persisting with equating trans women with men on biological grounds, and rely on reposting the few examples where trans women have offended or on flawed research, ignoring research that contradicts them. 3/8
But most egregious is that they deliberately recruit vulnerable women who have been violently assaulted by men into their cause, by the continuous fearmongering around threats to women's spaces, particularly toilets. This is immoral & frankly, vampiric; feeding off distress. 4/8
I completely understand why decent people might become concerned in the face of the deliberate campaigns of disinformation. But most decent people, when provided with the evidence, then support trans rights. Those who deliberately ignore the evidence, are transphobes. 5/8
And when it is pointed out to them, they react in predictable ways: accusing others of 'silencing' them; accusing others of being anti-women or 'not caring' abt violence; threatening legal action (if they are powerful); resorting to doxxing and writing to people's employers. 6/8
If you're interested in more academic sources, this is useful 8/8
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