Tiger habitat.
When I started serious photography in the year 2000, powerful telephoto lenses were kind of unaffordable for me. I had a 70-200 mm lens for a few years. I had no choice but to include a lot of habitat in my picture.
I loved shots that included a lot of habitat and still do. It adds to the feeling of wilderness.
Since then I went through a lot of lenses. I have owned over time 300, 400, 500, 600 and the 800 mm telephotos. For a couple of years I loved shooting 'tight' frames of animals but soon got back to shooting wider.
Social media posts kind of spoilt it because tight head shots often get more views as we see the pictures on a small frame. It's a different story with prints. Print this image and it will look all right, not great......
....print this one and it's a different ball game. Wide is awesome. It takes guts to stay wide with wildlife.
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