On holocaust memorial day it's important to remember who ran the holocaust. A pharmaceutical cartel, IG Farben with Standard Oil and IBM. IBM ran the census and the train scheduling across Europe, they coordinated the delivery of people to the End Station. Justice wasn't served. https://twitter.com/LuvTorah2/status/1290307273344966657
The 3rd Reich plan was a Swabian (Schwab) construct. Swabia was an original stem duchy of East Francia, the later Holy Roman Empire. The Hohenstaufen dynasty, which ruled the Holy Roman Empire in the 12th and 13th centuries emerged from here and it's this dynasty leading the 4IR.
That zyclon B was used to kill the victims is a lie constructed by the perpetrators, as was that they were making oil from coal. The victims were gassed to make them compliant for when they arrived at the End Station the soldier there directed them to climb into the tanks to die.
Their bodies denatured to oil, this was run off and used to make fuel for the war machines. One soldier managed lines of people disembarking off trains naked, starved and dehydrated in queues to climb into the tanks. He occasionally threw in a stone to be used to end their lives.
The soldier gave his testimony to my IBM manager, Karsten Schoeneborn and he repeated it to me.
The soldier was not to fire any shots. When bodies arrived he carried each one to the tank. After a massacre piles of bodies needed disposal & questions were asked from near village.
In the IG Farben "factories" people were starved and dehydrated, concentrated, for 3 weeks and then transferred by train from all the camps to the single End Station. IBM scheduled these transfers. It's this single point of disposal of the victims is what was kept secret.
Detailed records were kept of minutiae detail about all of the victims. I suspect that we will find that this liquidation of assets will appear in the accounts together corresponding transfer of assets to "Go Ahead Services" GAS, the name for fuel used in some EU countries.
"Go Ahead Services" is a company, a company directors &/or secretary to thousand of companies registered in Companies House today. This is a cartel that defines the 4th Reich & encompasses WEF members. These eugenicists have planned a global massacre, starting with Lockdown Laws.
Here's a thread I constructed before.

In Companies House I searched on "Farben" in Companies House and encountered Thomas Engelbrecht and "Go Ahead Services".
@NCA_UK and all crime agencies, for your action. https://twitter.com/alisonmawright/status/1289217303159046145
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