All #dnd5e combat carries an inherent risk, but roles and positioning also carry additional risks that are mitigated by class options.

When those options are skewed in favor of a class, other classes and their options seem weak by contrast.

(short thread)
Melee/Close Range combatants. (Options: high AC, high HP, high Mobility)

The inherent risk is in being the most easily accessible target, lack of substitute tactics or battle plans.

Examples: Gimli, Scar (FMA:Brotherhood), Virgil (DMC)
Mid-ranged combatants. (Options: high mobility, cover, improved damage, supplementary tactics through spells or equipment)

The inherent risk is in losing resources that allow for consistent damage, being forced into standard melee.

Examples: Geralt of Rivia, Roy Mustang, Genji
Long-Ranged or "Flex" combatants. (Options: extreme utility, specialized tools/spells, extreme damage through resource depletion.)

Risk comes from being completely reliant on expendable resources: arrows, spells, stamina.

Examples: Legolas, Ishida (bleach), Iron Man
I'll not even get into the actual argument again - but to me, a Wizard ignoring their spell slots, components, or concentration is equal to a sword and shield fighter ignoring their HP.

Consider what inherent risks there are for each of these roles when planning encounters.
A wizard, archer, or artificer will NOT run out of resources before they can kill a single target unless it's a god-like monstrosity. But a fighter or barbarian ABSOLUTELY can, since HP is their primary resource.
By comparison, a battle with 50,000 CR0 bats might get a laugh from the paladin, who they cannot hit, but the wizard and archer will very quickly run out of resources.

Your mid-ranged characters fit perfectly in the middle. Treat them as both for your planning!
This might not be helpful at all, but it was an idea that just came to mind and I thought I'd share. Give some consideration to what resources your party chews through in an average day to find ways to really challenge them without making every threat DEADLY.
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