1/ Why you should NEVER have a TO-DO list if you want extraordinary results?

Here is why? 🧵
2/ A to-do list is simply the things you think that you need to do in your day to day activity. Most of the times to-do list is just a survival list that gets you through your day and your life. They inherently helps you in checking-off a to do list after spending long hours.
3/ But they lack the intent of making each day a stepping-stone for your next day so that you can build a successful life. So, instead of making a to-do list, make a success list - a list that is purposefully created around extraordinary results.
4/ What makes success list extraordinary?

While the to-do list tends to be long and pulls you in all directions, Success lists are short, organized and aims you in a specific direction.
5/ How can you turn a to-do list into a success list?

By applying Pareto's Principle to it. It says 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results. The majority of what you want will come from the minority of what you do. But there's a catch.
6/ You need to take Pareto's principle to the extreme. Success requires that you follow the 80/20 principle, but you don’t have to stop it there.
7/ Go small by identifying the top 20 percent of things that you need to do. Then take 20 percent of the 20 percent of the 20 percent and continue until you get the single most important thing. yours ONE THING.
8/ Whether your goal is big or small, start with a list but develop the mindset to bring that list into one essential thing. All things don’t matter equally. Success is found in doing what matters most.
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