"We don't want high prices for our bread, we don't want low prices for our bread, we want National Socialist prices for our bread.."
A German peasant as quoted by Peter Drucker in his essay, "The End of Economic Man"+
Economic man refers to a rational being, someone who keeps into account the idea of what's profitable and what isn't.
But in this quote, we find the peasant isn't interested in profit/loss or right and wrong. Why?+
When does a person stop caring about profit, something so essential to life? Only when there's no semblance of authority or order left. A person so insecure that he would prefer suffering losses over letting go of an organisation that brings "stability" to his life.+
+Unless you've experienced anarchy, you'll never appreciate order. And there's no order without authority. Now, authority isn't the same as power. Authority is built over trust and not just brute force.
This is essential for us to understand, when the state gives up in front of vandals and goons, and people see authrity figures prostrating in front of hoodlums, it effects that trust badly.
That absence of trust will ultimately create a power vacuum, something that'll be filled by...well, you know.
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