We don’t need a new Fairness Doctrine. We need to update FARA laws for the modern age. We need to teach media literacy. We need social media algorithm transparency. We need to ban microtargetting & funneling based on protected class status.
We need political advertising transparency on social media.
We need Google to give a fuck about its radicalization engine, aka YouTube.
We need consumers to realize they can call their cable company and say they don’t want to pay for Fox News anymore, and to cancel cable until
Fox is either made into a premium opt in channel, or the network can’t demand such high carriage fees from the cable companies, because the cable companies are losing business bec they pay Fox such high fees and consumers are sick of subsidizing propaganda.
We need to figure out how to reduce demand for cuckoopants bullshittery so the profit margins go down.
We need to reintroduce public shame for embarrassing behavior so people who spout insane conspiracy theories become embarrassed again and stop promulgating lies.
We need personal data privacy protection laws, along the lines of HIPAA.
There’s a lot we can do, and none of it requires a new fairness doctrine.
It would be nice, also, if papers of record, like The NY Times, would stop writing fluff pieces about white supremacists. That would be nice.
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