The name of the P!ss Boy (Proud Boy) who lost his hat is Andrew Paton. He's a fairly-typical PB. But most of his kameraden mates joined the plague rats in St Kilda on #InvasionDay.
But they're also generally #COVIDIOTs, which is why it made perfect sense for the PBs to join the anti-lockdown freedumb mob in St Kilda y/day. (I suspecc Ye 0lde St Kilda would've dealt w these ejjits, but it's been yuppietown for decades now, sadly.)
PBs in the US have proven to be v useful stooges for the Republicans; it's unclear to what extent reactionary Tories in AUS might utilise them, but in light of recent events it's now obv important for them to distance themselves ...
This is not simple. PB founder Gavin McInnes was gonna tour AUS in 2018, but got denied a visa. At that stage there was competition b/w QLD businessmen Ben & Dan Spiller ('AE Media'), Dave Pellowe & Luke Izaak ('Axiomatic Events') & Damien Costas ('Penthouse Australia').
Pellowe himself was joined by fellow Xtian fun-da-mentalist Lyle Shelton (among other leading AUS public intelecktuals) in kicking off the hate-speech tour in JUL 2018 @ an event proudly hosted by the @AFL in Cairns.
In this context, important to recognise mutualism b/w AltRight promoters & more mainstream propagandists like Rowan Dean/Alan Jones. Here Damien Costas laments that David Coleman (then Min for Immigration) was reluctant ('too risky') to issue visa to Milo ahead of 2019 election.
Under pressure, Costas also claimed to have arranged w Miranda Devine to publish a supportive piece in The Daily Terrorgraph to promote a failed tour by McInnes & Stephen Yaxley-Lennon ('Tommy Robinson').
Sadly, moments in Charlottesville, Christchurch, Capitol & now Canada have compromised the ability of local reactionaries to re-frame foreign hate-merchants as Funny Guys, but the corporate-sponsored Culture War™ on Cancel Culture & Cultural Marxism, anTEEfa & BLM carries on ...
Also important to recognise that, as general rule, these grifters obtain prominence thru the support of R/W billionaires. Hence in 2018 exchange w Ben Spiller, Milo boasted that 'My previous sponsors were the billionaires who put Trump in office'.

If a 'frightened' Josh Frydenberg wants to discover how & why nazis, white supremacists & antisemitic schmucks have 'suddenly' popped up outta ~ ERMAHGERD! ~ Absolutely! Nowhere! he could always ask his parliamentary colleagues & his Tory mates who run AUS meeja.

PS. Nazi & white supremacist schmucks aren't big fans of my annoying/trashy/bastard scribblings, but if yr more supportive & are so inclined, feel free to subsidise my wildly, almost unbelievably extravagant lifestyle here >>> .

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