Agreed. And also we should start with releasing a standard for masks available to consumers. It’s unconscionable that we have the largest use of PPE by American public in history & the quality of these masks is not being moderated, standardized or regulated.
It’s not just about N95s. Those may not work in every situation but there are other qualities to good masks aside from filtration efficiency including fit & seal, ability to withstand moisture (from sweat & saliva) etc. These qualities could be improved in consumer masks.
I don’t think it’s enough to have guidance out in media or public health agency pages for what public should pick, although that’s helpful. I think the private sector would love guidance on how to get this right & welcome support to make it low cost to public.
We need equivalent of Operation Warp Speed but for high quality cheap PPE & improved ventilation in public places. Such innovations would help not just during this pandemic but future threats from emerging respiratory viral threats. @vivek_murthy @RonaldKlain @CDCDirector
And make these new innovations (cheap, comfortable, efficient) free. Make such high quality masks available to everyone. Pennies on the dollar, a preventing transmission is still cheaper & better for individual & public health than treatment.
But do not get me wrong- a mask is better than no mask. Wear a mask. Using excuse of no high quality masks to not wear a mask is like refusing a rescue raft because you weren’t given a boat at the time.
PPE and masks have barely evolved in decades. There was some innovation after Ebola VD epidemic which was largely tabled because there wasn’t demand. We can do better to move beyond current PPE in terms of comfort & safety for both healthcare workers & general public.
Take it as someone who has worn everything from N95s to PAPRs to coveralls in every place from BSL4 labs to care of patients in Ebola treatment units (here and abroad)- PPE has room to evolve. We just need to invest in its evolution.
Tomorrow I will do a thread on WHY current PPE even in healthcare settings to evolve.
You can follow @BhadeliaMD.
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