* The Art of Questioning *

When information was scarce, the one who could collect and memorize more info had the edge.

But today, when information is abundant, the one who can ask the right question at the right time has the edge.
You can't collect all the info available to humanity today, but with the right queries you can find what you need.

So, today, an intelligent person isn't the one who has read the most number of books,

But the one who can ask the right questions in a given situation.
Pareto Principle: 20% effort leads to 80% results.

With the right questions, you can locate the 20% actionable information that'll bring you most of the results.
Every question you ask opens a new branch in your knowledge graph.

An unanswered question is an open branch; answeres are closed branches.

Expanding your knowledge graph through the open branches is a way better approach than expanding it by just reading more books.
Questioning, just like any other feature of your mind, improves as you exercise it more.

Some people might have a genetic advantage, but that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement in others.
Asking stupid questions is not a problem, but learning stupid lessons from your questions is.

Every question isn't an opportunity only to find an answer but also to imorve the quality of your question.
After finding an answer to a question, ask how useful the question was? Could you've asked a better question?

Learning without feedback loop is very slow. Complete that feedback loop by rating your questions.
Discuss with others.

Sometimes, new questions will pop up that you didn't think of,

And some of these questions might challenge the settled portions of your knowledge graph.

See these challenges as opportunities to update your knowledge graph, not as attacks on your ego.
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