Rittenhouse fundraiser John Pierce's firm - WTF?
Pierce Bainbridge splintered
Hecht Partners seems closest spin-off
Lender Virage Capital says PB owes $59 million
Who has been - and how - tied to PB?
Rudy Giuliani - client
George Papadopoulos - client
Carter Page - client
Tulsi Gabbard - client
Michael Avenatti - client
Sergey Grishin (Russian Oligarch) - client
Lenny Dykstra - client
Harmeet Dhillon - co-counsel (pic @ 5/8)
Robert J. Costello - co-counsel
Marc Mukasey - outside counsel
Pravati Capital - lender in Arizona
Virage Capital Management - lender
Edward Ondarza - Virage founder (ex-Enron)
Burke McDavid - Virage general counsel
(McDavid did investment work in Russia pre-Virage)
Martin Shellist - Virage principal
Pierce Bainbridge was a litigation specialized firm.
PB won one trial in 3+ years for $500K
Pravati funded the firm for 2 yrs & declared $9.1M default
Virage starts funding in April 2019
Virage pumps over $60 million in capital into the firm
PB won 0 trials during Virage funding.
John Pierce and firm has serious public issues
Yet, Virage poured tens of millions
News reports were out about issues at PB
Public records showed Pierce had over $1m tax liens
Firm had no track record of success
(Harmeet Dhillon in pic)
PB lawyers quit en masse starting in August 2019
Virage made a $21 million loan commitment Nov'19
By April 2020, PB was down from 70 lawyers to a handful
So what happened to all the money?
Where did the money go?
A 2-minute video overview of Pierce Bainbridge operations.

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A 2-minute overview of firm leader John Pierce.

𝐖𝐑𝐨 𝐒𝐬 𝐉𝐨𝐑𝐧 𝐏𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞?
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