Short thread: So I see that some idiot with a mansion in the Hollywood Hills and a large platform interviewed a boogaloo boy. Haven't seen the interview and won't bother. I've talked to enough of them myself at protests. 1/?
If you think that you can summarize what Boogaloo Bois are based on one interview with a halfwit like Dore - you are wrong. I've interview quite a few across 4 states and they very quite a bit politically. 2/?
First the idea of 'boogaloo' is based on what many (including myself) a racist meme. Nevermind the idea of a boogaloo or a second civil war/revolution is not something that will end well for POC/minority pop. They know that, they're not stupid, they're not Proud Boys. 3/?
Are all boogaloo racists? No. Do many of them believe that they support Black Lives Matter? yes. Are most boog libertarians of some version? Yes. Some are lefty some are more 'I don't give a shit.' some defend Hobby Lobby's.

It's complicated. 4/?
Every boogaloo I've talked to have presented themselves as non-racists. But so has most of the militia members I've talked to. In OH last week I spoke to several very liberal Boog who later protected a Trans woman at a protest. 5/?
Did that Boog do it for PR or because they genuinely believed in Trans rights? I believe they really believed it... but I also wouldn't deny they knew the visuals that I & others were taking. But that was ONE group. Not representative of all. 6/?
tldr; The Boogaloo arent an organized group like the Proud Boys or the Oathkeepers that have a top/down organization or political belief. So DO NOT take one interview as meaning 'This is what the Boog believe." I'll have reporting on the blog at http://Visu.News  later. 7/7
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