Parents who talk about reopening schools for equity for Black and Brown kids, simultaneously use their efforts and resources to benefit only their communities. Vaccination drives, fundraising for bigger air purifiers and PPE. For communities where spread is already low.
Instead of showing they really care about equity by using those resources to help the schools many of us against reopening have been concerned about, they’ve pooled their resources and their connections to benefit their already well-resourced community.
We have neighborhoods where spread is twice as high as where these schools are. We have communities where there is no Jewel Osco or other pharmacy. Instead of using their means to help their neighbors who need all these things more than them, they chose to increase inequity.
These parents only care about equity as long as it’s a talking point to get their own kids back to school. It’s the same mentality that fought integration efforts, created selective enrollment and ignored school closures.
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