Rari / $RGT community call notes:
- @OddPandion joins the team officially!
- Alpha, Keeper, Idle, Curve, Harvest strategies incoming
- Finally, Fuse details!
- COMP/AAVE limited by the assets they list
- Fuse lets anyone make a market with any curves, assets, parameters they want
- basically Fuse = whitelisted aave
- product like this never has existed before
- Tanks: built on top of fuse
- Deposit an asset (like BTC) to borrow stables and earn yield in a rari pool
- Layer 2: exploring on optimism, but not against other chains
- if there's easy ZK tooling they'll use it for network effects
- want to be the heart of optimism, flagship product as optimism gets popular
- "we are going to dominate L2"
- already writing a voting system with RGT staking on starkware and have a open chat with the team
- Loopring will have liquidity mining pools for RGT
- want the whole funnel: capital onboarding, retail, and institutions
Q/A: TVL is low, what now?
- TVL doesn't matter if you can't monetize it
- Actively talking to larger players and whales who will deposit capital into Rari and leave it there
- That's who they're trying to build for
- Don't want temporary TVL
If I own the Apple/UST LP token. Can you deposit into Rari and borrow stable coins?
- yes!
- Rari x @mirror_protocol oh my....
Any thoughts on cross chains for Rari Capital?
- Some leaked info here
What's the value for RGT/RCAP beyond governance:
- Few teams have nailed this
- Staking / buybacks
- Cashflows from Fuse go to stakers
Some folks from $OMG on the call, expressed worry in off-ramps for optimism:
- Team thinks optimism is just one L2 strategy
- Will do this on many networks if it makes sense
- Exit from optimism is annoying but they know this and will solve, Rari has the best experience
Why is yield pool underperforming stable pool:
- Rebalances are centralized because team pays for the rebalances
- Efficient and incentivized rebalancing coming which will cause yield pool to outperform
Are you making new pools?
- Working through a system where every asset has a pool
- Multiple risk tolerances per pool
- Few more pieces to land but it's in the vision
- Blog post on this is incoming
Bondbridge team member on the call too - wondering about a mobile app and wants future convos with Rari:
- Team has run FB/Snap/IG ads for a "high yield savings account" with no defi info
- Don't feel like they've nailed down the audience yet
- Once they think they can get $5 - 10M from retail they'll build the app
- Ads response so far is "spectacular"
- Sounds like the OG version @Dharma_HQ but with rari pools instead of compound
What is "superfluid collateral" ?
- Basically using anything as collateral (NFT, other crypto assets, future cashflows of a protocol, tokenized credit score, etc.)
- Thinks this is better than under collateralized lending
- Fuse / Tanks make this happen
That's all! Great work today @jai_bhavnani @JustinTylerYu @JackLipstone @transmissions11 and the @RariCapital team!
You can follow @dcfgod.
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