Oh, finally a #PracticeTuesday topic I can help with.

I've done about 15-20 mock interviews (plus real interviews) via Zoom, so here's some advice:

1) Speak a little more slowly than normal. Sometimes audio can get a little janky. Speaking a touch slowly mitigates that. /1
2) Avoid rolling chairs. They can sometimes slide around and you end up jerking around a bit.

3) Figure out what answer you want to give for the inevitable "tell me about yourself" question and then RECORD YOURSELF giving the answer. Online interviewing is the only . . . /2
. . . opportunity you're going to have to see EXACTLY what the interviewer sees. Record yourself giving the answer then watch it. Watching yourself is weird, but very helpful. Interviewing online is hard, so you might as well benefit.

4) Lighting in front of you not behind /3
5) Finally, have headphones handy just in case. Sometimes there can be feedback issues with your computer mic picking up the sound from the speakers. Headphones mitigate that. I've used headphones with partners, clients, and expert witnesses. It's perfectly professional. /fin
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