I’ve seen other points like this made, and I wanted to add my two cents, whatever that may be worth. If you don’t believe in a deity or the divine claims of the church, that’s just fine. You’re free to believe what you want. If you do believe in God and Christ’s church, https://twitter.com/mfadonohue/status/1353830591284670464
2/10 You’re also free to believe what you want, but I can’t stand by, given my situation, hearing church members degrade God’s eternal plan with hopeful wishes of doctrinal change, no matter how well-intentioned they may be. I get it, hearing eternal truths like the divine
3/10 appointment of male to female is difficult, especially when coming in the form of a sarcastic meme or from your abrasive, tactless relative at a family BBQ. But if you truly have a testimony in the restored gospel, or your Savior in general, doing anything but accepting the
4/10 current doctrine of eternal families will bring you confusion and heartache. I love my wife so much, and thankfully, she loves me. I’ve been absolutely astounded at how well our relationship works and how happy we both are. And the coming “but” isn’t so much a dampening of
5/10 our happiness but a recognization of the reality that while we’re both extremely happy, it’s obvious we both make some amount of less traditional sacrifices in our relationship, I’d argue her especially. To accept that I and our relationship won’t undergo the promised
6/10 sanctification we’ve been promised—to right all wrongs and increase our understanding of love for our spouses and loved ones—is, frankly put, ignorant of the plan of salvation and presumptuous of our current grasp of love. Does this mean I’ll be straight in the next life?
7/10 Perhaps, but I’m not sure it’s that simple. I tend to believe we have such an elementary understanding of the perfected brand of love that will exist hereafter that we can’t currently fathom how we’ll love. But why would God doom me to exist in an eternal limbo of desiring
8/10 to follow His plan but not being able to feel the full, traditional attraction for my spouse? On the other hand, why would He change a fundamental principle of his plan (not a temporal church policy) because our morals as a species have changed? The answer is, of course,
9/10 that he wouldn’t and won’t, because He doesn’t change, but more importantly, because He loves us, and He knows what will make us most happy. We can all do better at unconditionally loving all, including and perhaps especially those who struggle with their understanding of
10/10 and relationship with God and His church. But loving doesn’t have to include condoning, and watering-down eternal truths in order to better stomach them isn’t how we follow God’s plan.
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