"APR sent questions to a Tuberville spokesperson asking if the senator attended a 1/5 meeting with Trump at his hotel and if so, why was he called to the meeting and what was discussed. The Tuberville spokeswoman replied 'the answers to your questions are No and Not Applicable.'"
The only way one of Tuberville—the Alabama senator—and Herbster (the 2022 Nebraska gubernatorial candidate) aren't lying is if Tuberville's office answered the APR query based on a technicality: i.e. that the no was to being at a TIH meeting "with Trump," not being at TIH at all.
Tuberville has painted himself into a corner either way. Either he lied to the ALABAMA POLITICAL REPORTER on a technicality that'll be found out soon—that is, he was at the hotel, and will be forced to admit it—or he and Herbster are going to be publicly calling each other liars.
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